

If you read Cedar Street Times, you will find articles about Library events and issues.  The Friends are instrumental in providing a steady stream of Library information to our community.

If you attend PG City Council meetings, you will see members of the Friends telling Council members how important the Library is to the vitality – both intellectual and economic – of Pacific Grove.  And, the Council has listened! 

  • In 2011, an ad hoc group appointed by the Friends developed a plan to allow the Library to increase its open hours from 24 to 34. The Council backed the plan with the addition of $100,000 to the Library’s operating budget.
  • In 2013, the Friends joined with the Library Advisory Board and the Board of the Pacific Grove Public Library Foundation to argue that a title change and salary increase was necessary to attract appropriate candidates in the search for a new head of the Library.  The Council approved a new job title and higher salary range.
  • In 2015, with the approval and support of the Council, the Friends funded a part-time position to help fill staffing needs.

If you go to the Library, you will not be surprised to see members of the Friends consulting with the staff and director on possible enhancements and improvements.

Speaking up for the Library, writing articles and letters to the editor keep the Library visible.  Contact us and tell us how you’d like to help.