Concert from the Library

Concert from the Library

Dawn and Mark Walker - Monterey Symphony
Saturday, March 27, 2021 - 4:00pm to 4:30pm

For a wonderful live musical performance and
a peek into the Pacific Grove Library

The Monterey Symphony Orchestra (MSO) will broadcast its next virtual performance from the newly renovated library on Saturday, March 27 at 4:00 p.m. (PDT).

This 30 minute Balcony Session features the MSO’s principal flautist Dawn Walker and cellist Mark Walker with a special guest appearance by MSO Executive Director and violinist Nicola Reilly.

To view the performance follow either link:
Vimeo video sharing platform
MSO YouTube channel

Library Manager Diana Godwin reminds us that “The light and warmth of the library is a beautiful backdrop for a classical music concert, and library staff are looking forward to hosting the Monterey Symphony. We are also pleased to be able to provide a look into the library.”

Full program details and artist’s bios can be found at the Symphony’s website.

The Monterey Symphony was founded in 1946. The Symphony’s mission is to engage, educate and excite our community through the performance and continual discovery of symphonic music.